Friday, May 8, 2009

FAME: New Site + New Space + Part 1 of New Work

Fame moved down the block, and up 26 floors. The new space is really coming together and the view is fantastic. Here are some shots of the new space and here is a link to the new site.

Nick in a fancy t-shirt.

Bruce Edwards. Ecd + fantastic tour guide.

Captain Eric Weis

Mr Soulek. His office was a mess. Good thing he's so talented.

Every tour should end with a good doll head shot.

Mr. Sam Soulek sent me these goodies that he just did for Pastrami Jacks - These are only a few posters in a much lager campaign that the whole agency worked on. I'll post a few more as soon as I get them.


  1. wow these are lovely. is there any way to purchase prints of these?

  2. I'm pretty sure that these were only printed on canvas for in-store usage. However the person to ask would be Sam Soulek -
